The topic that I am going to do is about water. Since water is so broad I narrowed it down to the use and abuse of water. I am going to discuss the way people use water, how they waste water. I am also going to discuss about the rivers that are going dry. The river that I am going to go into depth is the Colorado River. Since the rivers are going dry, their are a lot of consequences that effect nature and the animal life of the water.
The reason that I want to write about this topic is because water is one of the most important elements that we humans have. Basically we can't survive without water, we drink it, use for bathing, cooking, etc... We are not the only people that need and use water. All the water animals need water to survive if there is no water than they is no habited for them and they die. I want to write about his topic because it is important to know about what is going on and what would happened if this problem continues.
The audience that I hope to reach are for all the people that use water. (all humankind) Since water is used by everybody on the earth I would only wish that everybody that uses water can read the research paper that I am writing.
The sources that I have so far are some some online document. I am also using three books. One of the uses of water, the other of the conservation of water and the third is about the rivers. I am also using a info packet about the Colorado River. I am also going to use sources from newspapers. My thesis write now is about the use and abuse of water and the dryness of rivers and the dangers for humans and water animals.
Hey there,
I believe that your topic might still be too large for a 10-12 page research paper. My suggestion would be to focus on one thing. Maybe the decline of the Colorado river, or the way people abuse water, or how we use water, or even how to conserve water.
Good Luck
water is a broad topic. Yes you narrowed it down to the colorado river but which one are you going to do the rivers or the everyday use and abuse of water? you as thus I seem to be going into two different directions. your topic will be interesting however why not research what will happen when there is a drought in NYC? or somewhere of importance to you. Great Topic though!!!
I agree with the previous comments you need t narrow your topic down. It's good that you chose a specific river but you still need to choose what specifically are you going to study about the abuse of water.
Maybe you can choose to study specific practices of a city or a particular group of people that are negatively influencing the environment.
I also think that eventually you will need to choose between either studying the drying of river or water abuse.
Also you still do not have a thesis statement. Remember that a thesis is a statement you will prove throughout your paper; you need sometime of opinion in it.
Nayelly—I have to agree with what your classmates have said. You have a good beginning. Now you should narrow it down. The easiest way would be to focus on a group of people or an ecosystem that is being endangered by someone’s “abuse” of the water supply. First you would have to decide what kind of “abuse” you want to research: pollution, overuse—what? That will make it easier to find sources (there are a lot of cases, so you should not worry about finding material). To give you an example: when I visited the exhibit on water at the Museum of Natural History, I learned what happens to the water after it is used in my house; one of many issues was the use of antibacterial soap for washing dishes—antibacterial soaps actually make it harder for special bacteria to clean the water supply which is then turned into drinking water again and also ends up in our bodies, killing good bacteria that we need to be healthy (!) So see, you need to eventually get this specific. Basically you should be able to answer these questions: What’s the problem? Who is most affected? What are some solutions?
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