Saturday, March 8, 2008

The Enviroment

Every morning I pretty much have the same routine and just recently I have found out that a lot of the things that I do are effecting the environment. One of the things that I do which has a negative effect on the environment is taking long showers. I am very used to taking long showers, but unfortunately I am wasting a lot of water, and by that, affecting the environment. I have decreases the amount of time that I run the water in the tub as well as letting the amount of water that I let run when brushing my teeth. One of the other things that I do in the morning was, taking the subway to school. By me taking the train instead of driving to school I am helping the environment with not using gasoline. I feel that if you have the option of taking the train or driving people should lean more toward the mta transportation, just because your being more earth friendly. Every little thing you do can help the earth. There are several things that I already do to help the environment such as: recycling and using those energy saving light bulb, I use less of plastic bags, and I useless water. I have a lot of concerns about the environment because I feel like there are a lot of negative things that are happening and there is no attention being put into the subject. I think that the worst thing that people can do is ignore or not do anything to help the environment.


lisa said...

I agree with the fact that we should be more aware of the water we waste. We as Americans take the fact that we have such easy access to clean water for granted but in these developing countries such as Africa they have to use new filters that were created to stick into poluted water filled with all types of things to drink.That is the type of water that they have access to.

Doctor X said...

What about the pool? Do you have one at home or do you go to public pools? I ask because that is an awful amount of water...